How is Impacto Digital financed?
This was thanks to the more than 100 companies and foundations, 7 international agencies, 10 government bodies, and 95 people who supported us so that Impacto Digital could continue to professionalize as an organization and dedicate itself to defending human rights through innovation and technology.
We believe in professionalism. Impacto Digital is made up of 5 full-time professionals and another 6 part-time. Throughout 2020, we worked with over 30 collaborators. With this expanded team, we were able to promote 3 programs, 8 Human Rights campaigns, we premiered more than 120 minutes of audiovisual content, launched our Virtual Campus and 4 other digital platforms.
The fact that so many people and institutions trust us fills us with pride, but also with a sense of responsibility. In addition to presenting our audited balance sheet before the AFIP and IGJ and rendering of accounts to each of our funders annually, we have a public commitment to our donor community and partner institutions. We understand that the only way to promote transformative projects is to be professional, responsible, and transparent; and that is why we are committed to making an annual report that tells you how we invest the resources entrusted to us. This report summarizes how we got our funds, where we spent them, and what our main results were.
If you would like to support us so that we can continue to defend Human Rights in an efficient, innovative, transparent, and participatory way, you can donate to Impacto Digital and join our donor community.
Thank you for making 2020 a little more tolerable and for supporting us in building a more just, inclusive, and innovative world. Here’s to working together in 2021!
Manu Aguilera
Executive Director
Our legal status
2020 Data
Administrative and accounting expenses
Institutional comunication
Institutional development
Human Rights Campaigns
Reserve fund for ongoing programs
Data by program
Hire Trans is a comprehensive program for the improvement of the socio-occupational integration conditions of trans people.
We collaborate with:
• Trans people to improve their possibilities of employment.
• Companies looking for talent and training their teams.
• Intersectoral networks with governments, NGOs, organizations, and companies to promote spaces open to sexual diversity.
Massive virtual trainings
Donation to Teje Solidario
Hire Trans total

Donation to Teje Solidario
What is Teje Solidario?
Given the global situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mocha Celis Popular High School created Teje Solidario: a network of care for trans people in emergencies. The lack of registered jobs, access to decent housing, and comprehensive healthcare left the trans population exposed to a situation of extreme vulnerability. El Teje purchased food, cleaning supplies, medicines, blankets, and warm clothes in response to the most basic and urgent needs of trans people.
Through the Hire Trans Program, $683,186.60 was donated to Teje Solidario, due to the extreme emergencies experienced by the population we work with.

Care Well is free virtual training with fundamental information about the care of the elderly created by Impacto Digital, iSalud, and Fundación Emergencias.
Faced with the lockdown measures, we set out to rethink family care for the elderly together with the most important advocates in the public, private, and civil society sectors. Thus, in association with Fundación Emergencias, in collaboration with Surcos, Fundación Navarro Viola, and Universidad iSalud, and thanks to the support of Laboratorios Roemmers, FEM, and Grupo Supervielle, we developed the First Forum for Innovation in Care and Public Policies.
Audiovisual production
Academic leadership
Care Well total

#ItsSexEd is a project carried out by FUSA and Impacto Digital, promoted by the Spotlight Initiative in Argentina, which seeks to contribute to the prevention of gender violence by making heard the voices of youth, guaranteeing the participation of young people in the design and implementation of public policies to eradicate gender-based violence.
Project developed
together with:

Youth Board
Web development
Training and technical support for projects
Design and Materials
ItsSexEd total